Fathom Online provides comprehensive, performance-driven search engine marketing (SEM) services and technology to clients who demand accountability, efficiency and predictability from their SEM campaigns. The company is a full-service outsource solution bringing strategic, measurable marketing insight and services to keyword marketing.
Search Engine Marketing Services – Explore Fathom’s suite of services and technology for planning, analyzing, and optimizing SEM campaigns.
Case Studies and Results – See Fathom’s proven results in increasing client’s market share and delivering exceptional return on investment.
About Fathom Online – Learn about the company, meet the management team and review job postings.
Fathom In the News – The electronic press kit contains archival press releases and press articles.
About This Website
Today, the consumer is in control of their media experience. They can choose to skip a TV commercial, choose to block a pop-up advertisement, choose to delete an email, and choose to search for information on a search engine.
Fathom Online embraces consumer control. Fathom Online believes that only relevant content and advertising will rise above the clutter. Fathom Online understands that the consumer is firmly in control of his or her experience and seeking information as quickly as possible. Too much information is unmanageable and too little is frustrating.
Fathom Online’s unique website creates an experience to cater to each individual’s information needs by presenting intuitive search and navigation tools to allow users to quickly find the information they need. This is not a typical website where a user needs to click through a number of pages to find what he or she wants.
Simply enter what you are looking for into the search box to get started.