What Do You Understand by Integrated Marketing Communications?
Integrated marketing communications ensure the integration of all basic communication and promotional tools. It is to make sure that everything falls in its proper place and the work goes in harmony while being in sync.
Integration refers to bringing together all small elements to create the final product. Here, the goal is to connect the diverse forms of communication. It also includes different ways of promotion and marketing. Further, to sew them with one thread.
In short, integrated marketing communications can be summarised (IMC) as a strategy. This strategy takes your marketing system towards an interconnected approach.
For instance, imagine that you need to buy a sock from a well-reputed brand. You first go to their social media handle. And, when you reach them. Later, demand the particular social media team for the specifications of that particular sock. They provide you with certain information. But when you refer to the sales team, they tell you something else. You are bound to feel some confusion. Now, you have no idea whom to trust. This is because you received different messages from different teams.
Hence, there is a need to avoid such confusion and to create a uniform messaging for trust-building. Thus, enters integrated marketing communications. This ensures that the same message is being transmitted by any of the teams of the company.
Be it public relations, sales, marketing, or media – IMC merges them all with one dependable message.
It is beneficial for building trust in your company in the hearts of your customers. But IMC is also beneficial for the stakeholders of your company. Consistent messages to the clients will result in the success of the company which pleases the stakeholders or those on board.
Linked messages created for all departments can work. They would be as timely reminders to the customers about the product or the company. This will ensure that the information remains fresh in the customer’s mind which reduces their chance to cut it from their systems.
Not to mention, integrated marketing communications also saves you a lot. How? You repeat the message, banner, or image over and over again to stick it in the customer’s mind. This way you need not spend much on creating new promotional banners every time. This helps the marketer save a lot.
Coming back to the most foundational goal of integrated marketing communications. It is to conjoin all aspects of marketing communications. It helps in a better, seamless, and harmonious promotion. It is to create such a system where letting the world informing remains the priority. Creating an everlasting image of your organization in the minds of the people.